This qualification reflects the role of individuals working as developing and emerging leaders and managers in a range of enterprise and industry contexts. As well as assuming responsibility for their own performance, individuals at this level are likely to provide leadership, guidance and support to others. They may also have some responsibility for organising and monitoring the output of teams. They apply solutions to a defined range of predictable and unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources.
Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- CRICOS Code:103954D
- National Course Code:BSB40520
- Duration: 52 weeks

Course Description
Vocational Outcomes
Graduates of this qualification with proper employability skills should be able to work as Coordinator, leading Hand or Supervisor. Certificate IV in Leadership and Management will give students the skills and knowledge to face the challenges of a management role and move forward in your career. The program is organised so that students are provided with Work Health and Safety, Customer Service, Research, Communication, Project Management, Relationship Management and General Administration Skills.
Course Completion
“Students who achieve a ‘Competent’ result in all required units of study will be awarded the certificate for the qualification. A statement of attainment will be issued for any units in which the student has been assessed as ‘Competent.'”
Protection of fee paid in advance
Tuition fee paid in advance by student is protected under comonwealth’s Tuition Protection Service (TPS). TPS is a placement and refund service for international students. The TPS is like an insurance cover for fees paid in advance. It is a single mechanism to place students when provider fails to meet obligations or as a last resort to provide refunds of unexpended prepaid tuition fees.