
Who are we?

Crown Institute of Business and Technology (CIBT) is a privately owned and operated educational institute. It provides educational/training services to international students. CIBT’s vision is to become a market leader and centre of excellence in delivering this training.


  1. To maintain practices which ensure high professional standards in the management and marketing of its training.
  2. To ensure the highest possible standards in the selection of staff and trainers.
  3. To maintain an environment conducive to learning.
  4. To provide adequate facilities.
  5. To regularly monitor its training to reflect continuous improvement and relevance to the needs of industries and students.
  6. To safeguard the funds paid by students.
  7. To refund clients where the agreed services could not be provided.
  8. To ensure that all clients, without any discrimination, are given appropriate orientation and reliable advice on accommodation, academic programs, course placements, remedial education, health cover, welfare and other services.
  9. To address the special needs of disadvantaged or disabled clients or those from different culture or non-English speaking backgrounds.
  10. To monitor the clients academic progress and ensure individualized support and counseling to those who are having difficulties with a course.
  11. To respect the confidentiality and privacy of its clients, staff and other parties engaged in business relationship with CIBT.
  12. To provide effective internal and external (if needed) complaint resolution and grievance handling systems to deal with clients and staff issues.

CIBT promulgates its mission through various formal policy documents such as Policy and Procedure Manuals, Staff Handbook, Student Handbook, Code of Practice and Students/Staff Code of Behaviour. More details on our policies and procedures are available on request in these documents.


We are distinctive because of our facilities, commitment to professionalism and quality standards. We are dynamic and quickly adjust to the emerging skill needs of industry and our students.


CIBT runs only those courses which are accredited by the appropriate government bodies.